News India More Lies From Kasab, Says He Signed Blank Sheet As Confession

More Lies From Kasab, Says He Signed Blank Sheet As Confession

Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab on Thursday said that his confession recorded by a magistrate was not a correct version of what he had stated and alleged that his signature was taken on a blank sheet

more lies from kasab says he signed blank sheet as confession more lies from kasab says he signed blank sheet as confession

Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab on Thursday said that his confession recorded by a magistrate was not a correct version of what he had stated and alleged that his signature was taken on a blank sheet of paper by police.

Replying to questions put to him by 26/11 trial judge M L Tahiliyani on evidence adduced by the prosecution, Kasab said "the confession recorded by magistrate was not read out to me and it does not contain the truth."

"If she (magistrate) can change my version then what can I say?" asked Kasab.

"Police asked me to sign on a blank piece of paper and I did it," he said.

Denying his confession in toto, Kasab said, "I did not arrive here by Kuber (fishing trawler) but by train".

Kasab also denied portion of his confession which said that he and his friends had left behind a Global Positioning System (GPS) in Kuber while alighting from the boat.

The gunman refuted allegations that he had talked to absconding accused Abu Hamza from satellite phone. "If I had talked to him, then my voice would have been recorded," said Kasab.

The accused went back on his confession which said he had opened fire at police near Cama hospital and at Girgaum Chowpatty. "It did not happen as I was not there", he said.

When asked about his associate Abu Ismail, Kasab asked "who is he, I do not Know...I was not with him".

The court has asked him about 450 questions since last four days and his statement has not yet concluded.

Meanwhile, the court issued contempt notice against a tabloid and its editor for publishing incorrect proceedings.

The newspaper report had alleged that the judge had reprimanded the prosecutor for shoddy investigations and loopholes in the case.

The judge, acting on an application filed by special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam, said he had not made any such sweeping remarks against the prosecutor.

The court has sought explanation from the editor of the tabloid asking why action should not be taken against the publication for alleged contempt. The notice is returnable on January 6. PTI

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