Modi's upcoming project: ATM-style machines to help citizens log police complaints
New Delhi: For those of you who dislike or dread registering complaint at a police staion, here's good news for you- The Modi government may as soon as possible launch ATM- style machines to help
New Delhi: For those of you who dislike or dread registering complaint at a police staion, here's good news for you- The Modi government may as soon as possible launch ATM- style machines to help citizens log police complaints.
The government intends to start a hi- tech project that will reduce police's interference and make it more accountable.
Today right before PM Modi addresses senior police intelligence officials of the country, he will be briefed about the project. This ATM like machine will be installed at public sector banks, and allow a citizen to log a complaint. The complaint will be sent straight to relevant police station, thereby taking away the discretion of the police station of whether or not to take cognizance of a complaint.
And that's not all. A citizen can also write his/her complaint on a piece of paper and deposit that in the machine, which will also work as a telephone and a computer. The machine, called ICLICK, will log all such inputs and generate a number and receipt immediately for the complainant.