Migrant worker steals bicycle to pedal disabled son to home, leaves apology note
A migrant worker in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur stole a bicycle to reach his home town Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, which is 250 kilometers, along with his disabled son. Interestingly, the worker left behind an apology note for the cycle owner.

A migrant worker in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur stole a bicycle to reach his home town Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, which is 250 kilometers, along with his disabled son. Interestingly, the worker left behind an apology note for the cycle owner.
On Monday night, Mohammad Iqbal stole a cycle from the house of Sahab Singh in Rarah village of Bharatpur district. The next morning, Singh found the letter in his veranda.
The handwritten apology in Hindi reads, "I'm a labourer and also helpless. I am your culprit. I’m taking your bicycle. Forgive me. I have to go to Bareilly. I have no other means to reach and I have a specially-abled child."
Rarah gram panchayat falls on the Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh border. Thousands of migrant labourers became jobless since the Center announced nationwide lockdown in March. They set off on foot to reach their homes.