News India Know the places in India, you will hate to visit

Know the places in India, you will hate to visit

New Delhi: Much is heard about the spectacular landscapes and beauty of India. But there are some places which are a ‘big no' in your itinerary. Tourists aside, even the inhabitants near these places hate

4. Chambal river

The Chambal river is home to the  largest population of Gharials.

The river boasts of a population of over 200 crocodiles.

You must have the courage to step into the river waters. There are warning signs laid around ‘not to venture into the deadly river' in the National Chambal crocodile sanctuary.

However, people who do not comply with the rules have lost their lives.

A man Hafiz Khan and his 12-year-old son Imran Khan went to visit the sanctuary.

Despite warnings, the boy  stepped into the river to drink some water.

A huge monster crocodile attacked him. 

Despite the best efforts of his father, and many people around, they could not save the boy.

The boy was eaten alive by the crocodile.

5. Road from Ramban to Kashmir

The deadly road is a frequent place for mishaps. Almost every month a massive tragedy takes place on the roads leading to hilly districts of Ramban.

The road has become a death trap due to the serpentine narrow road. Hardly, there is a month when a tragedy of greater magnitudes does not take place on the Ramban-Doda-Kishtiwar Road. 

6. Biggest garbage dump (Bhalaswa, Okhla, and Ghazipur)

Heaps of garbage and foul smell, it is the workplace for thousands of rag pickers who go there daily.

These dumps are run by the municipal corporations of Delhi. The garbage dumps receive  about 6,000 tons of waste per day.

The health implications linked with these landfills is the emission of a large amount of methane gas, apart from causing severe health related maladies.

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