Know 10 rare facts about Dawoodi Bohra leader Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
New Delhi: Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin is the 52nd Da'i al-Mutlaq of a minority group of Shia Muslims, the Dawoodi Bohras. Syedna was born in Surat, Gujarat on March 6, 1915. He passed away in

New Delhi: Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin is the 52nd Da'i al-Mutlaq of a minority group of Shia Muslims, the Dawoodi Bohras.
Syedna was born in Surat, Gujarat on March 6, 1915. He passed away in Mumbai on Jan 17, 2014.
Here are some unknown and rare facts of his life:
Syedna was born in Surat, Gujarat on March 6, 1915. He passed away in Mumbai on Jan 17, 2014.
Here are some unknown and rare facts of his life: