Know more about nuclear weapons of India, Pakistan
New Delhi: After racing ahead of India in ballistic and cruise missiles, with covert help from China and North Korea, Pakistan seems to be surging ahead on the nuclear front too. A series of recent

New Delhi: After racing ahead of India in ballistic and cruise missiles, with covert help from China and North Korea, Pakistan seems to be surging ahead on the nuclear front too.
A series of recent estimates by international nuclear watchdogs and reputed thinktanks hold that Pakistan has a total of 100 to 120 warheads compared to India's 90 to 100.
India and Pakistan are rivals and have maintained hostile relations since they gained independence from the British in 1948. Three times these two nations have gone to war, twice over disputes about Kashmir.
The two have been involved in a conventional arms race since the beginning, allocating huge percentages of their budgets to defense.
India has been concerned about Pakistan's drive to bolster its nuclear arsenal over the past few years.
While India has a clear and declared `no-first use' nuclear weapons doctrine, Pakistan has kept it vague to use as a tool to offset India's conventional military superiority.
So let's have a look at the nuclear weapons/delivery systems of both the countries:
A series of recent estimates by international nuclear watchdogs and reputed thinktanks hold that Pakistan has a total of 100 to 120 warheads compared to India's 90 to 100.
India and Pakistan are rivals and have maintained hostile relations since they gained independence from the British in 1948. Three times these two nations have gone to war, twice over disputes about Kashmir.
The two have been involved in a conventional arms race since the beginning, allocating huge percentages of their budgets to defense.
India has been concerned about Pakistan's drive to bolster its nuclear arsenal over the past few years.
While India has a clear and declared `no-first use' nuclear weapons doctrine, Pakistan has kept it vague to use as a tool to offset India's conventional military superiority.
So let's have a look at the nuclear weapons/delivery systems of both the countries: