News India Know how World War Two affected India

Know how World War Two affected India

New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions

8. Indian Independence

After WW2 ended, it had taken an immense toll on the British Empire. Britain had lost a lot of money due to WW2 and they were looking to their colonies to help them get their money back, but Gandhi at this time organized Indians against the British.

WW2 broke out to contain Hitler's intention of having German colonies beyond its borders with intention of colonial occupation that Britain had already been practicing for centuries. After WW2, people all over the world started supporting voices against British occupation over its colonies.

When Labour Party came to government in 1945 in Britain it inclined towards internationalism and racial equality, among other liberal principles. Soon after coming into power, Prime Minister, Clement Attlee (Labour Party) began the process of dismantling the British Empire granting India its independence in 1947.

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