News India Know how World War Two affected India

Know how World War Two affected India

New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions

6. Congress and War

Gandhi pressed the British Government to negotiate with Hitler. Many Congress members, however, did not support such a policy. Nehru, for example, had just returned from Europe. He  believed that India should stand with Britain against fascism.  

Congress supported Nehru and rejected the announcement that India was at war with Germany without consultation. All the Congress-led state governments resigned in protest. In 1940 Congress laid down the condition that Indian support of the war would come with a National Government.

The Viceroy refused, and Quit India movement was launched. With most of the Congress leaders and workers in jail, the power and influence of the Muslim League increased, due to its support of the British Government, and the ground for Partition was laid.

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