News India Know how World War Two affected India

Know how World War Two affected India

New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions

1. Quit India Campaign

Stafford Cripps was sent to India to avoid India's support to Axis forces and to negotiate a deal with Congress for India's full cooperation during the war. He offered full Dominion status with right to leave the Empire and Commonwealth when the war was over.

Nehru and Congress rejected the offer and instead demanded a full cabinet government with full power and decisions taken by Indians in India but British government rejected this offer. On rejection of these offer Congress decided to support Gandhi's non-violent ‘Quit India' campaign, which was announced on 9th  August 1942.

British rulers actively suppressed the movement with over 1,00,000 arrests. It was one of the largest movements led for Indian independence, and laid the seeds of Partition.

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