News India Know how World War Two affected India

Know how World War Two affected India

New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions

know how world war two affected india know how world war two affected india
New Delhi:  Wars have always ruined the people of this earth, putting them back by several decade. World War Two, the last big global war, was one of these wars and its impact and repercussions on South Asia were terrible.

World War Two started on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, and Britain and other powers declared war on the Axis Powers, that consisted of Germany Italy and Japan.

It lasted  till August 1945, with the dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing lakhs of people. More than 100 million people died in this world war.

Let's have a look at the repercussions on South Asia:

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