News India Know about Khajuraho, the temple of love

Know about Khajuraho, the temple of love

New Delhi: The Khajuraho temples are one of the seven wonders of India, second only to the incredible Taj Mahal.  While the brilliant architecture and symmetry remains a point of amazement, the Khajuraho temples mainly

know about khajuraho the temple of love know about khajuraho the temple of love
New Delhi: The Khajuraho temples are one of the seven wonders of India, second only to the incredible Taj Mahal. 

While the brilliant architecture and symmetry remains a point of amazement, the Khajuraho temples mainly in the limelight because of the incredible erotic  art and carvings.

Although the erotic sculptures make for just 10% of the temples, the temples have become synonymous with love and erotica.

The name Khajuraho, ancient "Kharjuravāhaka", is derived from the Sanskrit words kharjura, date palm and vāhaka, one who carries.

Locals living in the Khajuraho village always knew about and kept up the temples as best as they could

Here are some beautiful and rare pictures of the The Khajuraho temples:

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