IRCTC begins tatkal ticket booking in all special trains from today. Check booking charges, timings here
IRCTC Tatkal Tickets Booking: In a big relief to Railway passengers, the Indian Railways has opened the tatkal ticket booking service for all the 230 special trains it is currently operating, Central Railways PRO Shivaji Sutar said. The passengers can book tickets for travellling in these special trains starting tomorrow.

IRCTC Tatkal Tickets Booking: In a big relief to Railway passengers, the Indian Railways has opened the tatkal ticket booking service for all the 230 special trains it is currently operating, Central Railways PRO Shivaji Sutar said. The passengers can book tickets for travellling in these special trains starting tomorrow.
"Tatkal Booking will commence from 29/06/2020 in all Special Trains (starting with 0 numbers) for journey commencing from 30/06/2020 onwards," Central Railways PRO Shivaji Sutar tweeted.
IRCTC Tatkal Tickets: Booking Timings
Passengers who want to travel under the Tatkal Quota will have to book their tickets after 10 am one day before the journey for the AC class and after 11 am for the sleeper class. However, the price of the tickets booked under Tatkal Quota is costlier as compared to the normal tickets.
IRCTC Tatkal Tickets: How to book
The tickets can be booked through IRCTC website and app.
Indian Railways is currently operating 230 special trains across the country and these would be the only trains operating after July 1 as in an earlier announcement the Indian Railways had cancelled all regular trains scheduled between July 1 and August 12.
In an earlier announcement, the Indian Railways had extended advance reservation period to 120 days from 30 days, giving passengers more time to plan journeys. A Railway Ministry spokesperson had said that the reservation rules for the 30 Special Rajdhani and 200 Special mail and express trains had been modified as it has been decided to increase the advance reservation period from 30 days to 120 days.