News India Interesting facts to know about dinosaurs

Interesting facts to know about dinosaurs

News Delhi: Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago. During that period about 70% of all animal life on earth died out. Scientists call it a mass extinction – it wasn't the first mass

7. Dinosaurs lived at the same time as mammals.

Many people mistakenly believe that mammals “succeeded” the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, appearing suddenly on the scene to occupy the ecological niches rendered vacant by theK/T Extinction.

The fact is, though, that early mammals lived alongside dinosaurs (usually high up in trees, out of harm's way) for a large part of the Mesozoic Era. Most of these early furballs were about the size of mice, but a few (like the dinosaur-eating Repenomamus) grew to respectable sizes of 50 pounds or so, tiny by T. Rex standards but huge for an ancient mammal.

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