Interesting facts to know about dinosaurs
News Delhi: Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago. During that period about 70% of all animal life on earth died out. Scientists call it a mass extinction – it wasn't the first mass
6. Dinosaurs evolved into birds.
There are bulk of the evidence points to modern birds having evolved from small, feathered, theropod dinosaurs during the late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
Bear in mind, though, that this evolutionary process may have happened more than once, and that there were definitely some “dead ends” along the way (witness the feathered, four-wingedMicroraptor, which has left no living descendants).
There are bulk of the evidence points to modern birds having evolved from small, feathered, theropod dinosaurs during the late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
Bear in mind, though, that this evolutionary process may have happened more than once, and that there were definitely some “dead ends” along the way (witness the feathered, four-wingedMicroraptor, which has left no living descendants).