India to give Rs.25 lakh for Sarabjit's family
New Delhi, May 2: India Thursday announced Rs.25 lakh for Sarabjit Singh's family from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund."An ex-gratia payment of Rs 25 lakhs has been announced from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund for
New Delhi, May 2: India Thursday announced Rs.25 lakh for Sarabjit Singh's family from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund.
"An ex-gratia payment of Rs 25 lakhs has been announced from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund for the family of Sarabjit Singh," said an official in the Prime Minister's Office.
Sarabjit Singh, an Indian death row prisoner in Pakistan, was April 26 brutally attacked by jail inmates and died early Thursday morning in a Lahore hospital.
Expressing deep sadness in the passing away of Sarabjit, the prime minister described him as a "brave son of India".
The prime minister also demanded that "the criminals responsible for the barbaric and murderous attack on Sarabjit must be brought to justice".
"An ex-gratia payment of Rs 25 lakhs has been announced from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund for the family of Sarabjit Singh," said an official in the Prime Minister's Office.
Sarabjit Singh, an Indian death row prisoner in Pakistan, was April 26 brutally attacked by jail inmates and died early Thursday morning in a Lahore hospital.
Expressing deep sadness in the passing away of Sarabjit, the prime minister described him as a "brave son of India".
The prime minister also demanded that "the criminals responsible for the barbaric and murderous attack on Sarabjit must be brought to justice".