Ghaziabad police launches operation Nihatha, revokes gun licences of those with criminal record
Under the supervision of SSP Kalanidhi Naithani, the Ghaziabad police have cracked down on criminals in the last few weeks. In its latest operation — Nihatha — the police department has started the process of revoking the gun license of all those who have a criminal record or whose kins have a criminal record.
Under the supervision of SSP Kalanidhi Naithani, the Ghaziabad police have cracked down on criminals in the last few weeks. In its latest operation — Nihatha — the police department has started the process of revoking the gun license of all those who have a criminal record or whose kins have a criminal record.
A report with cancellation request of 127 gun license held by such people has already been sent to the District Magistrate.
All police officers have been asked to survey the gun holders and their guns including the cartridges.
Orders have been sent out that if the gun holder is involved in any lawsuit, then his lisence will be revoked.
Ghaziabad police has launched a series of operations in the last few weeks to crack down on criminals in the district and to reduce the crime rate.