Facts to know about 'Osho'
News Delhi: Indian mystic, guru, and spiritual teacher, Osho was born on 11 December 1931 . His full name was Chandra Mohan Jain . He has been known as Osho since 1989.He was a professor
He took on the role of a spiritual teacher in 1970.
In 1974, he established an ashram in Poona that offered therapies derived from the Human Potential Movement to its audience.
He has been known as Rajneeshpuram, in the state of Oregon, United States. During 1980's, the leadership of the commune became embroiled in a conflict with local residents, primarily over land use.The large collection of Rolls-Royce cars purchased for his use by his followers also attracted criticism.
The Oregon commune collapsed in 1985 when Osho revealed that the commune leadership had committed a number of serious crimes, including a bioterror attack (food contamination) on the citizens of The Dalles.