DMRC changes rules for Metro travel cards
New Delhi: DMRC is introducing some changes in its smart cards, including increasing the minimum add value to Rs 100 from May 21.“As most of the Delhi Metro's smart card users are regular travellers and
This has resulted in a pile up of nine lakh smart cards to be refurbished at a cost to DMRC, Dayal said.
Therefore, the administration charges for the refund of smart cards will be revised from Rs 5 to Rs 20. This measure has been taken to offset increase in cost of transaction and discourage the frequent or daily refund of smart cards.
The new measures will help in streamlining the refund system, he added.
About 70 per cent of Delhi Metro travellers are smart card users, who are able to avail a discount of 10 per cent on all their journeys by the Metro whenever they use smart cards
Therefore, the administration charges for the refund of smart cards will be revised from Rs 5 to Rs 20. This measure has been taken to offset increase in cost of transaction and discourage the frequent or daily refund of smart cards.
The new measures will help in streamlining the refund system, he added.
About 70 per cent of Delhi Metro travellers are smart card users, who are able to avail a discount of 10 per cent on all their journeys by the Metro whenever they use smart cards