DMRC changes rules for Metro travel cards
New Delhi: DMRC is introducing some changes in its smart cards, including increasing the minimum add value to Rs 100 from May 21.“As most of the Delhi Metro's smart card users are regular travellers and
Subsequently, from the next transaction the minimum add value will be of Rs 200 and further add values can be in multiples of Rs 100.
In case of web top-up, minimum add value amount will be Rs 100 and multiple of Rs 50 (i.e. Rs 100, 150, 200, 250 up to 1000).
About 12,000 smart cards are refunded every day, of which 9 per cent of smart cards are purchased and refunded on the same day.
Similarly, around 30 per cent smart cards are purchased and refunded within the same month.
In case of web top-up, minimum add value amount will be Rs 100 and multiple of Rs 50 (i.e. Rs 100, 150, 200, 250 up to 1000).
About 12,000 smart cards are refunded every day, of which 9 per cent of smart cards are purchased and refunded on the same day.
Similarly, around 30 per cent smart cards are purchased and refunded within the same month.