DMRC changes rules for Metro travel cards
New Delhi: DMRC is introducing some changes in its smart cards, including increasing the minimum add value to Rs 100 from May 21.“As most of the Delhi Metro's smart card users are regular travellers and
New Delhi: DMRC is introducing some changes in its smart cards, including increasing the minimum add value to Rs 100 from May 21.
“As most of the Delhi Metro's smart card users are regular travellers and with the opening of Rapid Metro and more corridors of Phase III, the maximum fare required for travel will increase as the commuters would cover more distance.
“Therefore, increasing the minimum add value of the cards will help the commuters as they won't have to stand in queue to recharge their cards time and again,” ED Corporate Communications Anuj Dayal said.
The initial minimum add value of the smart cards has been increased from existing Rs 50 to Rs 100, out of which refundable security of Rs 50 is kept unchanged.
“As most of the Delhi Metro's smart card users are regular travellers and with the opening of Rapid Metro and more corridors of Phase III, the maximum fare required for travel will increase as the commuters would cover more distance.
“Therefore, increasing the minimum add value of the cards will help the commuters as they won't have to stand in queue to recharge their cards time and again,” ED Corporate Communications Anuj Dayal said.
The initial minimum add value of the smart cards has been increased from existing Rs 50 to Rs 100, out of which refundable security of Rs 50 is kept unchanged.