Delhites made 3904 calls on helpline, 38 stings done against corrupt staff by aam aadmi: Kejriwal
New Delhi: Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal today congratulated the people of the capital for their huge response to the anti-corruption helpline. A total of 3904 calls were made, and in 53 serious cases, charges
"Most of the times, people say action was not taken on their grievances. We will send them SMS to ask whether the grievance was solved, and people will have to answer Yes, or No, for follow-up action".
Kejriwal said, a high-level committee headed by the Chief Secretary has been set up to draft the Jan Lokpal Bill.
"We are hopeful of getting it passed by end of January or early February at Ramlila Maidan", he said.
On Delhi Jal Board water supply, Kejriwal said, there are practically two Delhis at present - half with piped connections and the other half with no piped connections.
"In Sangam Vihar, we seized all tubewells illegally grabbed by local mafias, and handed them to the local residents.
"We will be sending 798 water tankers to all localities which do not have piped connections.
" We will put details on the Delhi Jal Board website, about the timing of arrival of water tankers, and also the phone numbers of drivers, so that residents can call them up. If they do not supply water, we will suspend the drivers".
On frequent power cuts, the chief minister said, all three distcoms have been asked to notify the scheduled power cuts, and also send details of unscheduled power cuts. We will penalize them, if there are frequent unscheduled power cuts, Kejriwal warned.
Kejriwal said, a high-level committee headed by the Chief Secretary has been set up to draft the Jan Lokpal Bill.
"We are hopeful of getting it passed by end of January or early February at Ramlila Maidan", he said.
On Delhi Jal Board water supply, Kejriwal said, there are practically two Delhis at present - half with piped connections and the other half with no piped connections.
"In Sangam Vihar, we seized all tubewells illegally grabbed by local mafias, and handed them to the local residents.
"We will be sending 798 water tankers to all localities which do not have piped connections.
" We will put details on the Delhi Jal Board website, about the timing of arrival of water tankers, and also the phone numbers of drivers, so that residents can call them up. If they do not supply water, we will suspend the drivers".
On frequent power cuts, the chief minister said, all three distcoms have been asked to notify the scheduled power cuts, and also send details of unscheduled power cuts. We will penalize them, if there are frequent unscheduled power cuts, Kejriwal warned.