Delhi cop hit by bullet
New Delhi, July 31: A Delhi Police assistant sub-inspector was hit by a bullet in the hand at police lines in central Delhi on Wednesday evening, an official said."Padma Ram was spotted in a pool
New Delhi, July 31: A Delhi Police assistant sub-inspector was hit by a bullet in the hand at police lines in central Delhi on Wednesday evening, an official said.
"Padma Ram was spotted in a pool of blood by another policeman in the security line around 7 p.m.," said a police officer, adding they were investigating whether he shot himself deliberately or by accident.
Ram, 50, was taken to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital where his condition was stated to be critical, the officer added. He had a bullet wound in his hand.
"Padma Ram was spotted in a pool of blood by another policeman in the security line around 7 p.m.," said a police officer, adding they were investigating whether he shot himself deliberately or by accident.
Ram, 50, was taken to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital where his condition was stated to be critical, the officer added. He had a bullet wound in his hand.