News India Big B Praises Bal Thackeray In His Blog

Big B Praises Bal Thackeray In His Blog

In the midst of thrusts and counter-thrusts between Bal Thackeray and Uddhav on the one hand, and Shah Rukh Khan and Rahul Gandhi on the other, superstar Amitabh Bachchan has praised the Shiv Sena supremo

big b praises bal thackeray in his blog big b praises bal thackeray in his blog

In the midst of thrusts and counter-thrusts between Bal Thackeray and Uddhav on the one hand, and Shah Rukh Khan and Rahul Gandhi on the other, superstar Amitabh Bachchan has praised the Shiv Sena supremo in his latest blog entry.

Wrote Big B in his blog:

Uddhav Thakeray calls. he has just come out of the theatre after ‘Rann' and is not able to find appropriate words to describe his appreciation for the film and the performance. Minutes later Bala Saheb calls. ‘I want to see this film. Come and show it to me !' ‘You have not been to see me for a long time !'

I assure him I shall arrange a projection in his house. I ask after his health. He is fine he says.

He cannot travel out due to his frail condition, but the fire in him still burns. He is resolute and firm as ever and in that resoluteness you discover an endearing, that sudden soft moment, which has always made his presence so strong and affectionate. His sense of humor is in tact as he punches in some wise ones !!

Big B begins his blog with the title Authority…!!! Here is his complete blog:

Prateeksha, Mumbai                           February  1,  2010                          Mon  11 : 48 PM

Authority … !!!

Authority of position and place. Authority in domesticity. Authority through the medium of media. Authority in relations. Authority among equals and friends. Authority …

By what authority do we function in all spheres of life. By what authority does position and place become overbearing. Why does authority in domesticity become conducive with all that denotes order and harmony. How does the media or any medium function with authority and right. Is it of value to be in authority amongst ourselves - we are all equals and friends …

It is of immense interest to me how authority exists and why. Has it been devised by nature to accommodate submission. Or has it been devised to accentuate defensiveness. We are weak and vulnerable when we are defensive. We are strong and impressive when aggressive. Why ??

Knowing these traits do we not ever use them to our advantage ; to get out of situations that will not go our way. Can we really become aggressive despite our inborn weakness. Do we surrender to such acts deliberately or do we act out them.

I am in dilemma and distress on appropriate answers. They come to me but in fits and starts. More fits, than starts. Are those that practice or induce these traits aware of its repercussions. Will there be any repercussions ?

Submitting to them is more from respect of position. Once position achieves a stand dictated by what we have agreed in principle, we seldom question it. Its the way the ethics of a nation a culture exists.

I am this morning subjected to authority. I wrote last night of pending argument and debate and discussion. Of belief and disbelief and what it would entail once a final judgement is arrived at. But the belief really is that authority prevails. You may have fact and truth in place. You may have evidence in place. But in the end authority reveals an unbiased face. Truth will have its place and meaning but it will carry the onus of being harassed. Truth will be harassed, but truth will never be defeated. This is strong. Evidence must be clinching and pure, it cannot be circumstantial. Assumptions cannot have meaning to an accusation. And even if they do, conviction will never find space on mere ‘accu-sumtion'.

In a civilized society, conduct and constitution, law and judiciary could be blindfolded, but in the inevitable end, truth will prevail - satyameva jayate !!

Someday there shall be a revelation of what this leads to or does not. Webs of deceit may be deployed to surround and strangle fact, but even though they are long and endless in wait … the end result would and shall and will be positive. So help me God !!

Uddhav Thakeray calls. he has just come out of the theatre after ‘Rann' and is not able to find appropriate words to describe his appreciation for the film and the performance. Minutes later Bala Saheb calls. ‘I want to see this film. Come and show it to me !' ‘You have not been to see me for a long time !'

I assure him I shall arrange a projection in his house. I ask after his health. He is fine he says.

He cannot travel out due to his frail condition, but the fire in him still burns. He is resolute and firm as ever and in that resoluteness you discover an endearing, that sudden soft moment, which has always made his presence so strong and affectionate. His sense of humor is in tact as he punches in some wise ones !!

Abhishek had been to Delhi for the press for Colors and Bingo. After a rollicking start of the highest TRP the press needs to meet him. He returns to Mumbai with his Mother, who had been there in Delhi and in Varanasi for an International conference. He has trudged off to Film City for ‘Crooked' his new film, his wife has swiftly followed him there too for Vipul's film. They shall be late in returning and the husband and wife at home decide to call it a day. It has been a long and argumentative Indian day. The system prevails and rules, try disturbing it and you could end up starting a revolution or quietly to it, succumb.

I would rather succumb than be a part of the revolution. The answerability and accountability be the facets that shall sit on judgement when the results are announced.

Nothing has been heard yet. But it will soon. Will they draw me or shall I be drawn into it. Difficult to state or even apprehend. Nurturing the craft of human emotions is an exercise that we must all learn. For it is the humans that shall encounter us and become its counter too !!

Love to you …

Amitabh Bachchan

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