News India Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was a great betrayal to our nation: PM Modi

Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was a great betrayal to our nation: PM Modi

PM Modi penned his thoughts a day after the SC upheld the Centre's decision to abrogate Article 370. The Supreme Court verdict yesterday on Articles 370 and 35 (A) has enhanced constitutional integration, PM Modi said.

Article 370 Case in Supreme Court Image Source : X/FILEPrime Minister Narendra Modi in Kashmir

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday wrote an article in a daily (The Economics Times) titled - 'PM Modi on how SC upholding Article 370’s abrogation approves J&K no longer being an anomaly' over abrogation of Article 370 issue. His article came on the day the Supreme Court upheld the Centre's decision to abrogate Article 370, which bestowed special status on the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

"On Monday, the Supreme Court delivered a verdict on the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35(A). By doing so, it upheld the sovereignty and integrity of India. The court rightly observed that the decision taken on August 5, 2019, was conducted to enhance constitutional integration, not disintegration. It also recognised that Article 370 was not permanent in nature," PM Modi wrote in the article.

The prime minister asserted that the historical circumstances created confusion among the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

"Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh are places where the sublime meets the extraordinary. But for the last 70-odd years, they have witnessed the worst form of violence and instability. Due to colonisation and its accompanying economic and mental subjugation, we became a confused society of sorts. Rather than taking a clear position on very basic things, we allowed duality, leading to confusion. Sadly, Jammu and Kashmir became a big victim of such a mindset," he stated.

The PM said he had the opportunity of being connected with the J&K andolan from a very early part of his life. 

''Insaniyat, jamhooriyat, Kashmiriyat' - A source of great inspiration'

"Ideologically, J&K was not merely a political issue, but also about addressing the aspirations of society. Syama Prasad Mookerjee held an important portfolio in the Jawaharlal Nehru Cabinet. But he quit over the Kashmir issue and preferred the tough road ahead, even if it meant paying with his life. Mookerjee's efforts and sacrifice led to crores of Indians becoming emotionally attached with the Kashmir issue. Years later, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee gave the powerful message of 'insaniyat, jamhooriyat, Kashmiriyat' (humanism, democracy, Kashmiri spirit of amity), which has always been a source of great inspiration," he added.

Great betrayal to our nation: PM Narendra Modi

The PM underlined that what had happened in J&K was a great betrayal - to our nation and to the people of J&K. 

"Articles 370 and 35(A) were major obstacles that seemed like an unbreakable wall. They ensured the people of J&K never got the rights and development the rest of their fellow Indians got. A distance was created between people belonging to the same nation. Due to this distance, many from our nation who wanted to work to solve the problems of J&K were unable to do so," he metioned.

PM Modi said as a karyakarta, he had a nuanced understanding of the specifics and complexities of the issue and yet, he was clear about one thing: The people of J&K want development and to contribute to India's development. 

They also want a better quality of life, a life free from violence and uncertainty, he added.

PM Modi highlights three points, saying thus, we gave primacy to three pillars: 

  • Understanding citizens' concerns. 
  • Building trust through actions. 
  • Prioritising development, development and more development.

PM Narendra Modi recalls floods 2014 in Jamm and Kashmir

"In 2014, floods struck J&K, causing major damage in Kashmir Valley. In September 2014, I went to Srinagar to assess the situation and announced Rs 1,000 crore as a special assistance for rehabilitation, signalling our government's commitment to supporting the people during crises. I met people from different walks of life and found one common thread: they not only wanted development but also freedom from rampant corruption. That year, I decided not to mark Diwali and, instead, be in J&K that day," he recalled.

The PM said to further strengthen J&K's development journey, his government decided that Central ministers would frequently go there and interact with people directly. 

"These visits - over 150 between May 2014 and March 2019 - played a crucial role in building goodwill. The special package of 2015 was a significant step in addressing J&K's developmental needs. It contained initiatives for infrastructure development, job creation, tourism promotion and support to the handicraft industry," he added.

The PM asserted the government harnessed the power of sports, recognising J&K's potential to ignite dreams of the youth, adding through initiatives, we witnessed the transformational impact of athletic pursuits on their aspirations and futures. 

Sporting venues were upgraded, training programmes organised, coaches made available, he added.

'Bend it like Beckham' with 'Ace it like Afshan'

"The results of setting up local football clubs were outstanding. In December 2014, Afshan Ashiq was a part of a stone-pelting group in Srinagar. With the right encouragement, she turned to football, was sent for training and excelled. I had mentioned that it was time to replace 'Bend it like Beckham' with 'Ace it like Afshan'. Other youngsters began to shine in kickboxing, karate and more," he said.

The PM termed Panchayat polls as a watershed moment. 

"We were faced with a choice of remaining in power or standing by our principles. We let go of a government, but preferred that the aspirations of J&K's people be given top priority. The success of the polls was proof of the democratic nature of J&K's people. In an interaction with village pradhans, I made a request: to ensure that schools are never allowed to be burnt down. I was delighted to see this request kept," he said.

Abrogate Article 370 brought changes: PM Modi

He said much has changed in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh since 2019 when Parliament passed the decision to abrogate Article 370. 

"The last four years have also been marked with a renewed faith in grassroots democracy. All central laws now apply without fear or favour. Representation has become more widespread. A three-tier panchayati raj is in place, BDC elections have been held, and refugee communities have begun to enjoy the fruits of development," the PM wrote in the article.

PM Modi underscored benefits of key GoI schemes like Saubhagya and Ujjwala, saying they have attained saturation levels, thus covering all sections. 

"Strides have been made in housing, tap water connection and financial inclusion. Healthcare has witnessed an upgrade of infrastructure. All villages have achieved ODF (open defecation-free)-plus status. Government vacancies have been filled in a transparent, process-driven manner. Other indicators like infant mortality rate (IMR) have improved. Boost to infrastructure and tourism is there for all to see," he added.

He concluded his article saying the Supreme Court has strengthened the spirit of 'Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat', reminding us that what defines us is the bonds of unity and a shared commitment to good governance.

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