12.02.2021: Palindrome date of the year
If we follow the DD/MM/YYYY format for dates, then we will find that today's date is a palindrome, which means it is the same when read forwards and backward.

If we follow the DD/MM/YYYY format for dates, we will find that today's date is a palindrome. Palindrome means when you read forwards and backward, it is the same. Accordinglt, today's date is 12/02/2021 and therefore, it is palindrome date of 2021.
The next such palindrome will come next year on 22/02/2022.
There are 12 eight-digit palindromes in the 21st century and today one such date. Human brains are naturally inclined to look for patterns, and many consider such dates lucky. Daniel Hardt, president of Life Path Numerology Center in Indianapolis, called it a "powerful day."
Palindromes with similar format:
- 12 February 2021 (12022021)
- 22 February 2022 (22022022)
- 3 February 2030 (03022030)
- 13 February 2031 (13022031)
- 23 February 2032 (23022032)
- 4 February 2040 (04022040)
- 14 February 2041 (14022041)
- 24 February 2042 (24022042)
- 5 February 2050 (05022050)
- 15 February 2051 (15022051)
- 25 February 2052 (25022052)
- 6 February 2060 (06022060)
- 16 February 2061 (16022061)
- 26 February 2062 (26022062)
- 7 February 2070 (07022070)
- 17 February 2071 (17022071)
- 27 February 2072 (27022072)
- 8 February 2080 (08022080)
- 18 February 2081 (18022081)
- 28 February 2082 (28022082)
- 9 February 2090 (09022090)
- 19 February 2091 (19022091)
- 29 February 2092 (29022092)
ALSO READ | 02.02.2020: A rare palindrome day after 900 years