10 warnings India and the world ignored before millions died
New Delhi: Whether it was a major terrorist mayhem, or an emerging brutal dictator, or a major health warning, or a gruesome natural disaster, warnings were ignored by India and the world at their own
1. 9/11 World Trade Center attack: One of the deadliest terror incidents in the history of US, these took 3,000 lives on September 11, 2001.
It changed the direction of world history.
They were a series of four coordinated attacks launched by al-Qaeda.
Four passenger planes were hijacked by 19 terrorists that were flown into buildings.
Two of the planes crashed into North and South Towers of World Trade Centre.
Within two hours, the buildings collapsed into debris.
A third plane, crashed into Pentagon.
The fourth plane was targeted to Washington D.C. but crashed into Pennsylvania.
According to a report published in New York Times, the then US President George W. Bush received numerous intelligence reports well in advance of the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, but failed to react to them based on advice from neo-conservative Pentagon advisors.
Previous accounts of the President's advance knowledge have focused almost exclusively on the August 6th top secret “presidential daily brief” which included the heading “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”.
After release of the document in April 2004, former administration officials deflected criticism of their reaction to that warning, saying that its substance was mainly focused on providing an overview of Al Qaeda, rather than any immediate threat.