News India Mumbai Slum hotel provides stay for Rs 2280 per night

Mumbai Slum hotel provides stay for Rs 2280 per night

The slums of India being shown in Hollywood movies have become so popular that foreigners actually want to experience it.

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The slums of India being shown in Hollywood movies have become so popular that foreigners actually want to experience it.

They want to avail a chance to experience “real” life in a Mumbai slum.

Around a year ago, slum dweller, Ravi Sansi started with a concept of "Slum Hotel".

Sansi who owned the building has converted a part of his house into a room with facilities including AC, TV  the freshly-painted walls. Only bathrooms have to be shared.

This slum hotel is situated in Khar Danda slum in Mumbai. The hotel has caught the fancy of foreigners and they are paying $31 equivalent to Rs.2280 for per night.

This “slum homestay” offers tourists a genuine understanding of life for Mumbai’s poorest families.

This thought was proposed by a Dutch NGO worker David Bijil. 

"The idea is to provide an extra income to the families and help two types of people meet who usually don't meet, " he told Aljazeera.

However, the concept has invited criticised as "poverty tourism" and "poverty porn". 

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