MP: Officials declare 26 alive labourers dead to get almost Rs 1 crore fund, case registered
Officials misused the government's monetary aid for the funeral purpose by declaring alive labourers dead in Shivpuri.

Madhya Pradesh police registered a strange case in which officials allegedly embezzled the government's monetary aid by declaring alive labourers dead.
Police lodged a case against five officers in Shivpuri Janpad Panchayat. The irregularity was detected in funeral and ex-gratia assistance which is given by MP building and other construction workers board to the registered labourers.
Describing alive labourers as dead, they withdrew Rs 93.56 lakh from the government fund.
In the investigation report of the committee constituted under the chairmanship of District Panchayat CEO, it was revealed that officials rigged the list of names of 26 beneficiaries. The amount was withdrawn by using the digital signatures of two district CEOs. Two women clerks of the concerned branch have also been found involved in the matter.
A criminal case has been registered against the computer operator, two district CEOs and two women clerks at City Kotwali police station. Shivpuri district's current CEO Giriraj Sharma filed a case against Pohri district CEO Gagan Bajpai in Kotwali, besides Rajeev Mishra (posted in Murar Gwalior), Shailendra Parmar, the then computer operator and clerical class-III Sadhna Chauhan and Lata Dubey (branch in-charge).