News Lifestyle Vastu Vastu Tips: NEVER keep these 3 types of woods in the house to avoid losing wealth

Vastu Tips: NEVER keep these 3 types of woods in the house to avoid losing wealth

Vastu Tips: Often people buy home handmade items made of wood to decorate their homes. Do you know that many times the wood these things are made of is not good for your wealth? Have a look at the types of wood you should not keep in the house.

NEVER keep these 3 types of woods in the house Image Source : FREEPIKNEVER keep these 3 types of woods in the house

Vastu Tips: While people use many things to decorate their house including different types of wooden items, it is not always beneficial. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping three special types of wood in the house is considered very inauspicious. So whenever you buy any such item, first of all, see what kind of wood has been used to make them. 

Wood of milk tree - You must have seen such trees in many places, when the branch or leaves are broken, a white colored sticky substance comes out of them. According to Vastu Shastra, the wood of such a tree or the things made from it should never be kept in the house. Rubber tree and Aak tree are two such trees from which this white sticky substance emerges. Don't bring home their wood or things made from it even by mistake.

Tree growing in the crematorium- If crematorium wood has been used to make any decor item, idol or frame, then do not bring it home. This type of wood increases the effect of negative energy in the house. It can turn the financial prosperity of your home into ruin. The wood of the tree growing in the crematorium should not even be burnt in the house. It would be better if their wood stays away from the house.

Weak and dry trees - If the wood of a weak or dry tree has been used in making any item or idol, then do not bring them home at all. Especially do not use the wood of trees which have been hollowed out by termites or ants. Apart from this, such trees whose leaves have dried up and only two dry branches remain in them, do not bring home their goods or wood.