News Lifestyle Vastu Vastu Tips: Ignoring THESE things while making furniture at office might bring negative results

Vastu Tips: Ignoring THESE things while making furniture at office might bring negative results

Vastu Tips: Acharya Indu Prakash states that in case you are getting new furniture built for your office, it is better to use steel instead of wood for the same.

Vastu Tips: Ignoring THESE things while making furniture at office might bring negative results Image Source : FREEPIKVastu Tips: Ignoring THESE things while making furniture at office might bring negative results

Vastu Tips: Today in Vastu Shastra we will talk about other things related to furniture. If you want to start any work related to wood at home or in the office, then keep in mind that for woodwork, always start from the south or west direction and end in the north or east direction. This is considered auspicious from the point of view of Vastu.

It is better to use steel furniture instead of wood for the office. Apart from this, while making furniture, keep in mind that the edges of the furniture should be circular and not sharp. Sharp edges are not only dangerous but they also release negative energy. On the other hand, if you talk about polish on furniture, then use light coloured polish instead of dark colour.

You can also make the shape of a sun, lion, cheetah, peacock, horse, bull, cow, elephant or even fish on your furniture. Hope you will definitely benefit by adopting these Vastu tips.