News Lifestyle Vastu Vastu Tips: Know the right way to place broom at home or office

Vastu Tips: Know the right way to place broom at home or office

 Just as wealth is kept hidden in the house, according to Vastu Shastra, the broom should also be hidden. As soon as the broom work is done at home or office, it should be removed from the eyes.

Vastu Tips: Know the right way to place broom at home or office Image Source : FREEPIKVastu Tips: Know the right way to place broom at home or office


In Vastu Shastra today, learn from Acharya Indu Prakas about the right way to keep the broom. Just as wealth is kept hidden in the house, according to Vastu Shastra, the broom should also be hidden. As soon as the broom work is done at home or office, it should be removed from the eyes.
It is not considered good to see a broom the whole time. A broom placed in an open position emits good energy. Also, the broom should never be kept standing. He should always lie on the ground.