News Lifestyle Vastu Vastu Tips: Granary in hotel should be in northwest. Know why

Vastu Tips: Granary in hotel should be in northwest. Know why

For those in the hospitality business, keep in mind to construct the kitchen in southeast direction for maximum benefits.

hotel, vastu tips Image Source : Granary in hotel should be in northwest

While constructing hotels, it is important to keep in mind the position of granary. If you want to make granary inside the kitchen, then make sure to opt for northwest direction. According to Vastu, granary should be in a northwest direction for maximum benefits. Keeping grains in the aforementioned direction prevents any shortage of grains or other things. 

If there is something which you need to keep for a longer duration, go for the southwest direction. Also, if you want granary out of kitchen, keeping it in southwest, south or west is the best. At the same time, don't forget to make the dining hall in the west.