News Lifestyle Travel World Tourism Day 2024: Five ways travelling is good for your mental health

World Tourism Day 2024: Five ways travelling is good for your mental health

On this World Tourism Day 2024, let's recall the good vibes that come from travelling towards our well-being and never forget to take care of yourself by travelling and exploring.

world tourism day 2024 Image Source : FREEPIKFive ways travelling is good for your mental health

People across the world are celebrating World Tourism Day, which falls on September 27. This day aims to encourage people to follow responsible and sustainable tourism. With that said, this World Tourism Day 2024 is an even better time to recognise how travelling factors into our mental well-being. Here are five ways in which travelling helps in improving our mental health.

Stress and anxiety-reducing agent

Travelling provides an escape from our daily routine and responsibilities. The change of scenery, new experiences, and break from the usual stimuli that cause stress in the course of our lives will help ease the state. Travelling has been proven to lower the levels of cortisol, which is sometimes called the stress hormone, in our bodies. 

Good for creativity and self-discovery

Travel and more travelling can ignite our imagination, challenge us to think differently, attempt new things, discover new cuisines, and get a feel of untrodden lands. All these change our mode of thinking and make us more open-minded. 

Gives us a sense of purpose and achievement

When we set goals for our travelling trip, it can provide some meaning and fulfilment. Doing something new in a new location can make us feel good about ourselves. 

Association with others

Since the day we step out, we get to meet people, acquaintances, and friends with whom we connect meaningfully. Social interaction forms an integral part of our mental psyche, it helps to upgrade our attitudes and minds towards innovations.

Fosters mindfulness

Travelling may help in practising mindfulness by being present and very aware of what is happening around you. Mindfulness has been linked to better mental health and so can reduce symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

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