News Lifestyle Travel Book your next flight: New study reveals travelling slows down ageing

Book your next flight: New study reveals travelling slows down ageing

Travelling offers numerous benefits for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The science behind the age-slowing effects of travelling is a strong reminder that taking time to explore the world can have a profound impact on our lives.

New study reveals travelling slows down ageing Image Source : FREEPIKA new study reveals travelling slows down ageing.

Have you ever felt like time was moving too fast and that you were ageing at an alarming rate? With our hectic modern lifestyles and never-ending to-do lists, it's no wonder that many of us feel this way. However, what if we tell you that there is a simple solution that could slow down the ageing process and add years to your life? And it's something that we all love to do – travelling.

Yes, you read that right. The latest study published in the Journal of Travel Research has found that travelling can slow down ageing and lead to a longer, healthier life. So, if you need another reason to book your next flight, this might just be it.

According to the New York Post report, the study, which was carried out by researchers at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia, is thought to be the first to apply the notion of entropy—the universe's basic tendency toward death and disorder—to the travel industry.

“Ageing, as a process, is irreversible. While it can’t be stopped, it can be slowed down,” ECU PhD candidate Fangli Hu said in a press release.

The team found that travelling had beneficial effects on both physical and mental health, including promoting relaxation and exercise, which can slow down the ageing process.

“Tourism isn’t just about leisure and recreation. It could also contribute to people’s physical and mental health,” Hu said, noting that the reverse is also true.

To put it simply, “positive experiences might mitigate entropy increase and enhance health, while negative experiences may contribute to entropy increase and compromise health.”

In response to their study, the experts suggested that “travel therapy could serve as a groundbreaking health intervention.”

Let's dive into the science behind this claim and discover how exactly travelling can slow down ageing for a happier and healthier you.

Reduced Stress Levels

One of the major factors contributing to premature ageing is stress. However, when we travel, we escape from our daily stressors and immerse ourselves in new cultures, experiences, and environments. This change in scenery and routine can significantly reduce our stress levels and promote relaxation. 

Physical Activity

Another key factor in slowing down ageing is physical activity. When we travel, we tend to engage in various physical activities, such as walking tours, hiking, and swimming. These activities not only keep us physically active but also offer an opportunity to explore new places and cultures.

Exposure to New Environments

Exposure to new environments can also have a positive impact on our immune system. When we travel, we are exposed to different types of bacteria and viruses that our bodies may not have encountered before. This exposure can help strengthen our immune system and make us more resistant to illnesses.

Cognitive Stimulation

Travelling also offers ample opportunities for cognitive stimulation. When we visit new places, we are exposed to different languages, customs, and cultures. This exposure can improve our cognitive function and keep our minds sharp as we age.

Social Connections

Humans are social creatures, and social connections play a vital role in our overall well-being. Travelling allows us to meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures, expanding our social circle and creating meaningful connections.

So, book your next flight and slow down ageing one trip at a time.

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