Moocher to Negative Nancy: 5 types of friends one should always avoid
Just as having the right friends can make our lives better, being around the wrong type of people can drag us down or even lead to danger.

We all know that having friends is an incredibly important part of life. A good friend can lift us when we are feeling down, offer us support when we are struggling, and make us laugh when we are feeling low. But just as having the right friends can make our lives better, being around the wrong type of people can drag us down or even lead to danger. Here are five types of friends that we should stay away from.
The Liar
A liar is someone who is constantly telling fibs and untruths. This type of friend may fib to save face, to cover up another lie, or to make themselves look better than they are. It can be difficult to trust a liar, especially if it is the same person who keeps lying all the time. The best thing you can do in this case is to keep your distance and find a more honest friend.
The Gossiper
The gossiper is someone who loves to talk about other people’s business and spread rumours. Not only is this type of friend generally annoying, but their behaviour is also dangerous because it can hurt people’s feelings and create unnecessary drama. Steer clear of this person and find someone who will be a better listener instead.
The Moocher
The moocher is the kind of friend who always takes from you and never gives anything back. This type of friend will constantly ask for favours, expecting something in return but rarely offering anything in return. They often take advantage of people and expect them to do all the work. It’s best to avoid this type of friend altogether as they will only bring you down in the long run.
The Negative Nancy
Negative Nancy is always looking on the dark side of things and always has something negative to say about everything. Even if they are trying to offer helpful advice, it usually comes out as criticism or judgmental comments. Being around someone like this all the time can be draining and can eventually take a toll on your mental health. It’s best to stay away from this type of friend and instead surround yourself with more positive people.
The User
The user is someone who only looks out for themselves and doesn’t care about anyone else. They often take advantage of people or use them for their gain without caring about how it might affect those around them. This type of friend may also manipulate people or try to push them into doing things they don’t want to do. It’s best to stay away from users as they can be dangerous and get you into trouble if you let them stick around for too long.