News Lifestyle Relationships Constant Criticism to Gaslighting: 5 telltale signs of narcissistic abuse in relationship

Constant Criticism to Gaslighting: 5 telltale signs of narcissistic abuse in relationship

Uncover the signs of narcissistic abuse in relationships. From constant criticism to manipulation, recognise these red flags early to protect your well-being and seek support for healing.

narcissistic abuse in relationship Image Source : GOOGLE5 telltale signs of narcissistic abuse in relationship

Love can be beautiful, but it can also be blinding. Sometimes, what appears to be a passionate connection can morph into a manipulative and abusive situation. Narcissistic abuse in relationships can be insidious, gradually eroding one's self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being. If you're questioning your relationship's health, here are 5 signs that your partner might be exhibiting narcissistic tendencies and abusing your trust.

Constant criticism and belittling: 

One of the hallmark traits of narcissistic abuse is the incessant criticism and belittling of the victim. The narcissist will undermine your achievements, dismiss your feelings, and constantly point out your flaws. This constant negativity can leave you feeling worthless and incapable, ultimately leading to a loss of self-esteem.

Walking on eggshells:

Does it feel like you can never quite please your partner? Narcissists are notorious for their volatile moods and hair-trigger tempers. You might find yourself constantly on guard, anticipating their next outburst and trying to avoid setting them off. This constant sense of unease can be incredibly draining.


Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to distort reality and make the victim doubt their own sanity. They will deny or minimise their abusive behaviour, blame you for their actions, and even make you question your memories and perceptions. Over time, gaslighting can leave you feeling confused, anxious, and isolated, as you struggle to trust your own judgment.

Isolation from loved ones:

Narcissists often try to control their partner's social circle. They might discourage you from spending time with friends and family, subtly criticizing them or creating situations that make you choose between them and your loved ones. This isolation tactic makes you more dependent on them and easier to control.

Manipulative behaviour:

Narcissists are skilled manipulators who use various tactics to control and manipulate their partners. They may employ charm and flattery to win you over, only to later use guilt, intimidation, or threats to maintain their power and dominance. They may also engage in love bombing, showering you with affection and attention in the beginning stages of the relationship, only to withdraw it once they have gained control.

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