10 Red Flags: Here's how to identify that you are in a toxic relationship
If any of these red flags sound familiar then it may be time for some hard conversations about the state of your relationship and whether it needs to end for everyone's safety and wellbeing.

We’ve all been in relationships that just didn’t feel right, and sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s just a rough patch or something far more serious. It can be difficult to recognise the signs of a toxic relationship, especially if you’re in the middle of it. To help, here are 10 important red flags that indicate a toxic relationship.
Mutual Respect Is Lacking
Mutual respect is one of the most important aspects of any healthy relationship. If you find that your partner is constantly belittling or criticizing you, or if they don’t take your opinion into consideration, then this could be a sign of a toxic relationship.
Disregard For Boundaries
Respect for boundaries is essential for any healthy relationship. If your partner crosses boundaries that you’ve discussed and established, such as checking your phone without permission or not respecting your time with friends and family, then this could be a sign of a toxic relationship.
Emotional Manipulation
Emotional manipulation is a common tactic used in toxic relationships. If your partner is trying to make you feel guilty or ashamed in order to get what they want, then this could be a dangerous sign. This type of behaviour is not acceptable and should not be tolerated in any relationship.
Gaslighting is another common tactic used in toxic relationships. This involves your partner attempting to manipulate you into believing things that are not true or questioning your sanity or memory. If your partner behaves this way, it could be a sign that they are trying to control you and dominate the relationship.
Excessive Jealousy
Jealousy is a normal emotion to experience in any relationship, but excessive jealousy can quickly become toxic. If your partner becomes jealous to the point where they limit who you can talk to or where you can go, this could be indicative of an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship.
Controlling Behaviours
Controlling behaviours can also be a sign of a toxic relationship. If your partner tries to control every aspect of your life, such as who you talk to and where you go, this could be a sign that they are trying to manipulate and dominate the relationship.
Lack Of Trust
Trust is essential for any healthy relationship and if it is lacking then this could be an indicator of a toxic relationship. If your partner doesn’t trust you or constantly accuses you of cheating or lying, then this could be a sign that there are deeper issues within the relationship.
Blame Shifting
Blame shifting is when one person tries to put all the responsibility on their partner instead of taking ownership of their own actions and feelings. If your partner does this on a regular basis, then this could be a sign that they are trying to control the situation and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
Unpredictable Moods
Unpredictable moods can also be an indication of a toxic relationship. If your partner has sudden mood swings, this could be an indication that they lack emotional control and are unable to manage their own feelings and emotions properly.
Abusive Behaviours
Abusive behaviours should never be tolerated in any relationship and should always be taken seriously. If your partner abuses you physically, emotionally or psychologically then that could be an indication that the relationship is toxic and needs to end immediately for your safety and wellbeing.