News Lifestyle People 6 effective ways to shut out jealousy

6 effective ways to shut out jealousy

Jealousy can fuel negative thought process and can damage your self-esteem. Learn how to channel your emotions and if you are overcome with jealousy, practice in the moment techniques like breathing or removing yourself from that space.

6 effective ways to shut out jealousy Image Source : FREEPIK6 effective ways to shut out jealousy

Jealousy is an emotion natural to humans but it is also serves no real purpose and puts one in into an emotionally vulnerable state and breeds the ground for negative thought process, anxiety and depression. Feelings of jealousy can emerge in a romantic relationship, professional environment or in life in general. The feelings of envy arise when someone has something that you desire dearly. If you are jealous of someone, chances are that you may be feeding yourself with the thoughts of low self-esteem. However, you can over such thoughts with these effective ways.

-- Knowing why you are jealous is the first step in dealing with this unwanted feeling. Be calm and do not get overwhelmed. The feelings of jealousy will frst build up then subside like every other emotion. So be in charge of your self, stay calm and breathe deep when such thoughts occur.

-- Finding your sense of security is the most important thing when dealing with thoughts of jealously. Do not put yourself down. Remember, you are meant for better things in life and repeat it to yourself when such thoughts are triggered.  

-- In a romantic relationship, jealousy may be triggered if your partner starts to spend time with a new friend. It may come across as you are not being valued as you deserve. In such a case, just voice your concerns and clear things out with your partner. Bottling up such negative thoughts will only worsen your love life. 

-- Practice in the moment techniques when you are overcome with jealousy. Give yourself some space and calm down. Leave the place for sometime and return back with a new thought. This can help you overcome envy in that moment until you adress underlying issues.

-- Giving time to your feelings is important. Jealousy fades with time and in case you are overcome with such thoughts that fuel negativity in your life, give them time to pass away. Indulge in positive thinking and do not compare yourself with others. 

-- Talk to a therapist who is better suited to cater to your emotional needs. Jealousy leads to obsessive or fixated thoughts and if it is difficult to get rid of then, professional help may help you as there are less chances of judgement-passing. 

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional advice. Please consult a doctor before in case you require medical help.