News Lifestyle People Mother's Day Special: Do you know what is a mother’s biggest strength? Watch to know the answer

Mother's Day Special: Do you know what is a mother’s biggest strength? Watch to know the answer

On this Mother's Day, let's make a pledge to make each and every day of the year special for our mom

mothers day 2017 video Video: Do you know what is a mother’s biggest strength? Watch to know the answer

Mothers, the women who possess superpowers, the one who work day and night without expecting gratitude in return.  Be it a working mom or an at-home mother, no single day is effortless for this iron lady. Without a special course or a special training, she performs the duty of being a full-time mother as she was born with it. 

Science has done marvels in the field of research. But even the greatest of minds could find it nearly impossible to define the magnitude of a mother’s strength and endurance. How she never fails to think about her child even for a moment?

Video: Do you know what is a mother’s biggest strength? Watch to know the answer

Did you ever wonder where do she gets her strength from? The answer is written all over her. The way she acts around you, the way she pats your head when you make her proud. You will see it in her eyes when she scolds the hell out of you when you get home late at night. Her biggest strength is… being a mother. She’s powerful, dauntless, loving and divine, because she’s a ‘Mother’. 

Video: Do you know what is a mother’s biggest strength? Watch to know the answer

​In this video, you’ll witness the deific phenomenon how a mother derives her energy and strength from motherhood. In this beautiful video by Ferns & Petals, they have aptly summed up the power of motherhood. It’s a story of a mother and working woman, Monica. 

Monica is like any other ordinary mother except the fact that she is visually challenged since birth. She has been working with IBM India for 11 years and is designated as a Deputy Manager in the Training Department where she imparts voice and accent training along with soft skills training. She strongly believes that motherhood is a special feeling that brings more self-confidence and optimism to a woman. Motherhood not only makes a woman complete but also gives her an unspoken courage and empowers her. That’s Monica’s call on how motherhood had completed her. 

This Mother’s Day, let’s make it a point to make every single day special for this heroic woman called ‘Mom’, not just one day. Cherish the warmth of your mother’s love for 365 days of the year. 

Happy Mother’s Day. A big salute to all the mother’s out there. You make the world worth living and this life worthwhile. *hugs and kisses*