News Lifestyle What happened to the Mayan Prophecy for 21.12.12!

What happened to the Mayan Prophecy for 21.12.12!

Washington, Dec 26: Dec 21 has come and gone with the prophecy that the world would come to an end turning out to be all hot air and hype.The truth regarding the date, says renowned

Stuart was brought in to decipher the 56 glyphs carved into the stones. He discovered 200 years of political history and, to his surprise, the second known reference in Maya culture to the so-called end date of Dec 21, 2012.

But despite the popular misconception, the date doesn't predict the end of times. Rather, it was intended to promote continuity during a time of crisis.

"The hieroglyphs emphasised seventh century history and politics, linking the reign of an ancient king to the turn of the 13th bak'tun many centuries later," Stuart explains. "The point was to associate the divine king's time on the throne to time on a cosmic scale."