Blame these 4 habits for your belly fat (see pics)
Okay now do we really have anything or anyone else to blame for our belly fat rather than ourselves?I do love my body, I really do but when I can clean my house then why
* Sleeping for less than 7-8 hours: Often days start with sneaking back into your pillow for 5 more minutes of pleasure sleep and all this happened because even if you slipped into your bed at 10:00 pm, your eyes failed to shut before 12:00 am. This habit is not just causing you your belly fat but it also giving you dark circles, loose facial skin, face dullness.
How to repent: So right before slipping into bed, start by having warm bath and a glass of water, which would instantly help you to sleep. Secondly, replace your phone with an alarm clock and make sure your cellphone is kept at a distance away from you so that you feel lazy enough to go to check for updates every second.