News Lifestyle Find out what your iPhone 5 colour says about you!

Find out what your iPhone 5 colour says about you!

Choosing an iPhne 5 colour says a lot about your personality, so in case you are holding your iPhone right now then read ahead to know more about your hidden personality traits.Young girls and guys

White: If you chose to go in for plain white than you got a laid back personality. You are willing for change but prefer to stick around within the realm of things you already know. Somewhere down you are stuck into past. You prefer to live life by a routine or schedule.

: If you own a pink iPhone 5 then you are highly popular among your friend. They have their friends back and vice-versa in terms of any situation. They are never too shy to reveal their younger and brighter side every now and then.

: People with Yellow iPhone 5 are fun loving and party-hard kind of freaks. They are full of energy and may never have a dull moment in their life. They are up-beat & perky, and are on each other their friends speed dial.