News Lifestyle Tips to keep your pets safe during summer, monsoon

Tips to keep your pets safe during summer, monsoon

New Delhi,June 20: If you see your dear pet lazying around, vomiting, drooling or panting, take it immediately to a good veterinarian. Beware, it can be a heatstroke caused by hot and humid weather.Experts suggest,

tips to keep your pets safe during summer monsoon tips to keep your pets safe during summer monsoon
New Delhi,June 20: If you see your dear pet lazying around, vomiting, drooling or panting, take it immediately to a good veterinarian. Beware, it can be a heatstroke caused by hot and humid weather.

Experts suggest, you can protect your pooches from heatstroke by providing fresh food, lot of water and avoid taking them out during daytime.

Humane Society International (HSI), India, shares 10 important tips to keep pets safe during the warm months:

Vet Visit: A visit to the veterinarian for an early summer check-up is a must. Get your pet tested for heartworms. Ask the vet how to keep pets free from flea and ticks or start a safe flea and tick control program.

Watch Warning Signs: Symptoms of overheating in pets include panting, staring, drooling, warm and dry skin, high fever, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and even collapse. Consult the vet immediately when you observe these signs. Animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. They should be kept in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.

Constant Supply of Fresh Water: Dogs and cats quickly dehydrate, so make sure you provide them with plenty of clean, fresh water all the time. If your pet is outside for a long period, he or she should have access to complete shade and ample water.

Don't Over-exercise Your Pet: Never let your pet indulge in over exercise sessions even if it's during the coolest part of the day like early morning or evening. Long periods of exercise in hot weather can lead to heat stroke.

Don't Leave Pets Alone In Parking Vehicle: Never leave your pet alone in a parked vehicle. Even with the windows open, your car becomes a furnace in hot weather, which can give rise to fatal heat stroke in your pet. Besides, it's illegal to keep animals unattended for a long time in parked cars.

Safe Swim: Not all pets have an affinity for water nor are they good swimmers all the time. Pets should be introduced to water gradually. Make sure they wear floatation devices in water. Rinse animals thoroughly after swimming to remove chlorine or salt water from their fur.

Keep Away from Hot Pavements: Don't subject your pet's feet to hot pavement. It can burn his or her tender paws.

Avoid Chemicals: Never expose your animals to chemicals like rodenticides, tick and flea products and lawn and garden insecticides. Animals are closer to ground and soil and hence are more vulnerable to these chemicals than humans. Their faster metabolism and smaller lungs enables them to inhale chemicals at a faster rate, but their bodies have to work harder to eliminate these toxins. It can also affect long-term health.

Trimming and Brushing: Your pet's coat should be frequently brushed to avoid tangling, skin irritation and discomfort. Trimming a pet's hair also ensures cleanliness. Never shave a dog during summer as the layers of a dog's coat guard against sunburn.

Summer Party: Remember to keep your pet away from the potential food and drink hazards in a summer party. Don't treat your pet with the snacks offered to the guests. Avoid feeding pets raisins, grapes, onions and chocolate. Never use fireworks around pets as they can suffer from extreme fear from the noise of explosives.