Start your Tuesday morning right with these 5 must-practice yoga asanas
Jumpstart your Tuesday with these 5 essential yoga asanas, designed to energise your body and calm your mind. Perfect for all levels, these poses will set a positive tone for your day.

Tuesday mornings can set the tone for a productive and balanced week. To start your day with energy and calm, try incorporating these five must-practice yoga asanas into your routine, from Tadasana to Savasana. These poses are designed to invigorate your body, calm your mind, and prepare you for the day ahead.
1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Benefits: This foundational pose improves posture, strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles, and increases awareness.
How to Do It:
- Stand tall with your feet together.
- Distribute your weight evenly across both feet.
- Engage your thighs and lift your kneecaps.
- Lengthen your spine and roll your shoulders back and down.
- Raise your arms overhead with palms facing each other.
- Hold the pose and take deep breaths.
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
Benefits: This pose stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands. It also helps to relieve stress and calm the mind.
How to Do It:
- Start on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Spread your fingers wide and press firmly into the mat.
- Lift your knees off the floor and straighten your legs as much as possible.
- Push your hips up and back to form an inverted V shape.
- Keep your head between your arms and gaze towards your navel.
3. Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose)
Benefits: This powerful pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest, and improves focus, balance, and stability.
How to Do It:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Step your right foot back about 3-4 feet.
- Bend your left knee, keeping it directly over your ankle.
- Turn your right foot slightly inward and press into the outer edge.
- Raise your arms overhead and look up.
- Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides.
4. Balasana (Child's Pose)
Benefits: This resting pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. It also helps to relieve stress and fatigue.
How to Do It:
- Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching and knees spread apart.
- Sit back on your heels.
- Stretch your arms forward and lower your torso between your thighs.
- Rest your forehead on the mat.
- Hold the pose and breathe deeply.
5. Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Benefits: This corpse pose relaxes the body, and reduces headache, fatigue, and insomnia. It also helps to lower blood pressure.
How to Do It:
- Lie flat on your back with your legs slightly apart.
- Place your arms by your sides, palms facing up.
- Close your eyes and breathe naturally.
- Allow your body to relax completely.
- Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes.
Starting your Tuesday morning with these yoga asanas can help you feel more centered, energized, and ready to tackle the day. Remember to focus on your breath and move mindfully through each pose. With regular practice, you'll likely notice improvements in your physical and mental well-being.