Easy ways to keep woolens safe, Go for neem and tobacco leaves
New Delhi: Busy packing away your winter clothes? Go for Azadirachta indica (neem) or tobacco leaves instead of naphthalene balls to preserve woollens from damage, say the experts.Storing winter dresses is a huge responsibility, especially
One other important factor that needs attention is that closets, dressers, drawers and trunks should be cleaned before storing woollen clothes.
Also, packing clothes in airtight containers can help in a big way.
"One can use plastic tubs with tight-fitting lids, plastic baggies with zippers or plastic sweater boxes. Place mothballs or moth crystals inside the storage containers and you are done till the next season," said designer Namrata Gupta of studio Anantam.
Some items can be washed and ironed at home. If you are planning to do so, keep Satam's tips in mind.