Digital Detox: 6 ways to unplug from work stress for a healthier life
A healthy balance between life and technology is important, and digital detox is therefore essential to maintain work-life balance. A digital detox is not about completely abandoning technology but about including it in life with harmony.
In this fast-paced, technology-driven world, the line between personal and professional life has become very thin, to the extent of getting blurred.
When we consciously unplug from technology, step away from screens, and reclaim moments of solitude and presence in the analog world to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves, that is how we detox from the digital world. Digital detox is important in our everyday lives for taking that moment to sit back, relax, and feel our presence in the real world around us.
Here Kapil Bardeja, CEO and co-founder, of Vehant Technologies, discusses some possible strategies to navigate work-related stress while ensuring task efficiency. He holds the belief that employing a set of mantras to prioritize task items and fostering a healthier work environment is achievable, resulting in a practical balance between professional and personal life.
Prioritize and arrange your task list, ensuring clear goals in focus
Although old school, a handwritten to-do list is the best way to organize and prioritize tasks. Various project management tools and task management apps can prove to be very helpful here too. The overwhelming larger tasks can be broken down into manageable tasks. We should encourage our teams to define specific achievable goals for their days and weeks. This way, the work gets done faster, and the goals can be met within work hours, creating a sense of accomplishment.
Manage your time effectively by utilizing dedicated time blocks
Team members should be encouraged to allocate specific time blocks for tasks and different types of work. Dedicated periods for work and relaxation help in avoiding overworking. We strongly encourage our colleagues to work on one task at a time and give their best to it in the allocated time block. Most of the time, we observed that multitasking led to increased stress and reduced efficiency, of course, except during task urgency.
Practice Stress Management Techniques
We encourage our colleagues to incorporate mindfulness practices, meditation, and yoga into their routines to reduce stress and improve focus. A regular exercise regime would release endorphins and combat stress. We arrange professional sessions of mindfulness activities in the office. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or mindfulness exercises can help alleviate tension. Short breaks for stretching or brisk walking can also be very helpful.
Work collaboratively with colleagues and assign tasks
We all work in teams and share responsibilities. Specific tasks for each project are allocated to each team member, distributing the workload and reducing stress among the teammates. I am pleased to mention here that we strive to develop a work culture in our company where teams communicate openly about workload and consider redistributing tasks or seeking assistance when required.
Take a Break
Within work hours, stepping away from screens for a short tea break or a game of foosball is very helpful to recharge and prevent burnout. Engaging in non-work-related talks and activities for a few minutes is equally beneficial in relaxation.
Reflect and Adjust
We encourage our team leaders to introspect their strategies from time to time. The managers assess what works well and what needs adjustment. It is important for the team to be flexible and to adapt to different approaches as needed.
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