Ahoi Ashtami is on November 4 or 5? Know date, puja vidhi and subh muhurat
Ahoi Ashtami fast is observed on Krishna Ashtami of Kartik month, 4 days after Karva Chauth. For the long life of their children, women observe Nirjala fast on this day and after offering prayers to the stars at night, they consume food.
Ahoi Ashtami is celebrated on Krishna Ashtami of Kartik month. Women who keep fast on Karva Chauth for the long life of their husbands, fast on Ahoi Ashtami for the long life of their children and worship Ahoi Mata. Ahoi Ashtami fast is observed 4 days after Karva Chauth, hence mothers will observe this fast on 5th November and after the rising of the stars, they will break the fast by offering Arghya to them. This fast, which falls for 8 days before the worship of Diwali, is mostly observed by the women of North India. On this day, mothers observe a nirjala fast for the good health, beautiful future, and longevity of their children.
Ahoi Ashtami subh muhurat
Krishna Ashtami of Kartik month will start after midnight on 4th November at 12.59 a.m. That means it will start on November 5 and will end at 3:18 p.m. after midnight. In this way, according to the rules of Udaya Tithi, women will observe the Ahoi Ashtami fast on November 5. The auspicious time for the puja will be from 5:33 p.m. to 6:52 p.m. After that, women will be able to break their fast after offering Arghya (water) to the stars in the evening.
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This time on Ahoi Ashtami, an auspicious combination of Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga and Ravi Yoga is being formed. It is believed that by fasting in this auspicious yog, women get the full benefits of fasting and their children are always happy, and prosperous, and are blessed with long lives.
Ahoi Ashtami Puja Vidhi
Women observing fast on the day of Ahoi Ashtami should wake up early and take a bath. After that purify the puja room by sprinkling Ganga water. Then after seeing the auspicious direction, make a picture of Ahoi Mata on the wall and if you cannot make a picture then bring the picture from the market and put it on the wall. After that, worship Ahoi Mata in the evening and offer Halwa and Puri to the goddess. Then read the vrat katha and wait for the stars to come out. Then break this fast after offering Arghya to the stars. On the day of Ahoi Ashtami, milk and rice should be offered to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.