News Lifestyle 5 simple tips to protect pulses, rice and spices from insects during rainy season

5 simple tips to protect pulses, rice and spices from insects during rainy season

Things get spoiled the fastest during rains. Due to moisture, pulses, rice and spices get infested with insects. Due to this, the ration gets spoiled. If you store things in large quantities, then you must know how to protect pulses, rice and spices from moisture and insects during monsoon.

Tips to protect pulses, rice and spices from insects Image Source : FREEPIKTips to protect pulses, rice and spices from insects.

Due to the high moisture level during monsoon, many things get spoiled quickly. In this season, people get worried about fungus in food items. Pulses, rice and spices get spoiled. In such a situation, it is important to take proper care of the things kept in the kitchen. Check all the things once a week to see what is getting spoiled. Along with this, adopt some hacks to prevent pulses, rice and spices from getting spoiled. Always make sure that there is no dampness and that these things are saved from getting spoiled. In the rainy season, the fear of insects in things increases; however, to avoid such a situation you can adopt these remedies from the time of grandmothers.

How to protect rice, pulses and spices from insects in the rain

If you want to keep pulses fresh for a long time and protect them from moisture, then the best way is to lightly roast them. If you feel that the pulses are getting spoiled and you have not roasted them earlier, then you can still do it. After roasting, when the pulses cool down, store them in an air-tight container. Put some dry curry leaves or bay leaves in it and keep it.

Neem leaves are also very useful. In summer, you should dry the neem leaves well and during the rainy season, keep these leaves in the rice box or lentil box. If you want, you can keep them tied in a thin cloth bundle. This will prevent insects from infesting rice and lentils.

Grandmothers used to use whole salt to protect dal and rice from insects throughout the year. You too should buy whole salt and put it in your boxes. This will prevent weevils and other insects from attacking the dal and rice. While closing the box, put a newspaper in it so that moisture does not enter the box.

If you have whole spices, roast them before storing them. You can add cloves to the ground spices to prevent insects from attacking them. If you want, you can also add bay leaves to spice boxes and store them. This will prevent the spices from spoiling.

Some people also use dried peels of garlic and onion for this. Matchsticks are also used to protect the grains from weevils and dampness. You can try any remedy.

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