News Lifestyle Winter special: 4 tips to avoid dry skin this cold weather

Winter special: 4 tips to avoid dry skin this cold weather

Cool breezes, darker nights, dry weather, winters are indeed approaching now. It is the time your skin needs extra care. While for some the weather brings on the winter beauty with rosy cheeks and glowing

Winter special: 4 tips to avoid dry skin this cold weather Winter special: 4 tips to avoid dry skin this cold weather

Cool breezes, darker nights, dry weather, winters are indeed approaching now. It is the time your skin needs extra care. While for some the weather brings on the winter beauty with rosy cheeks and glowing face, it is not the case with everyone.

Winters are tend to make your skin go dry and flaky with several skin problems soaring up.

Besides, a neglect towards your skin can make things worse. In this fast running life, it is indeed quite difficult to take out time for yourself.

But now we have brought you four easy tips which will help you get rid of all the dryness of the harsh weather.

* Dehydration: If your skin looks patchy and fine lines have started appearing, it is definitely dehydrated and dry. The moisture level of your skin is decreasing because of reduced sebum. Opt for a white tea skin treatment as it has antioxidant properties that nourish your skin and restore its vital moisture content.

* Sensitivity: Redness and inflammation are usually of sensitivity that occur due to changes in the weather conditions. Choose your products very carefully and moisturise you skin regularly to combat sensitivity. You can also try a soothing facial, like Lakmé Salon's Sensi-calm facial, that will restore your skin's pH levels.

* Lifeless and sallow skin: Your skin might lose its lustre and look lifeless. The skin's acid mantle is affected and hence the skin's moisture and oil balance is disturbed. Massage your skin with a nourishing oil like Argan oil before sleeping. It will maintain the necessary levels of collagen in your skin.

* Cracked feet: A common problem faced during winter is cracked feet. These superficial or deep fissures on the heels make your feet very rough. It is vital to avoid remaining bare foot and to moisturise your feet regularly. During winter, apply a thick moisturiser or a special cracked feet cream and wear socks while sleeping.


(With IANS Inputs)