Not moving enough? It is going to kill you, warn doctors
If you are the one who is most likely spending long, continuous hours on chair then there is a bad news for you. According to the Max Bupa Walk for Health Survey 2016, majority of
If you are the one who is most likely spending long, continuous hours on chair then there is a bad news for you.
According to the Max Bupa Walk for Health Survey 2016, majority of individuals in metros spend 40 per cent of their time sitting. The reason could be because their jobs don't let them move around a lot.
The other reasons could be of sitting for long hours is either they feel unsafe or because of the growing levels of pollution.
But whatever be the reason, it is going to kill you over time, warn doctors.
All this sitting seems to increase your risk of death from heart disease and other causes, study has found. And surprisingly, this happens even if you exercise regularly.
It is not just alcohol consumption or the drags of smoke but sitting for long can also contribute to organ damage.
Sitting slows down blood flow besides muscles burning very less fat. This leads clogging of your blood cells.
If you keep on sitting for an entire day, it can affect the way your body responds to insulin. Diabetes is on right around the corner.
We all know that lazy body leads to a lazy brain because enough blood or oxygen doesn’t flow to brain. This is the breeding ground for those many depressing thoughts.
For keeping yourself healthy, you you need to ensure that you make a J on the chair. One must keep their back straight, flat stomach and a protruding buttock. The best for you is to get up and take a walk regularly.
Apart from this, you can try smaller measures both at work and at home. You can talk on phone while standing or walking. You can also take stairs instead of
the lift.
Walking to a colleague to talk to them instead of sending an email is also a god way to have some movement. You must get up to move around for few minutes or so every hour as it helps not only in maintaining your weight but also improves your health.